"A 10-year study of women finds no significant benefits to prevent disease" so says the Star Bulletin quoting a recent study of the subject. (haltonn@starbulletin.com)
But, doesn't keeping the weight off help to control diebetes and heart disease? Again, it depends on who your talking to. People with a pre-disposition toward the diseases get a slight helping hand but, as always, ask your physician before starting any changes in your eating habits. The information that follows can help you but you've got to stick to it for more than a few days.
Well, what works?
First of all it requires a long range mind set. Like, where do I want to be ten years from now?
Want some things to think about?
Meal Planning:
Follow the road to find recipes - here....Meal Planning:
- Breakfast should be a decent size meal.If you really must have cereal - try making your own. Yes, make your own and chances are you'll eat less. Moderation is the key here. I love burritos, eggs and potatoes, pancakes, etc. but guess what they do to me. Yep, its easy for me to gain weight and lots of it. Farther down I''ll give you some suggestions that work for me.
- Lunch is usually a time when everything is working 'full-bore' so really watch yourself here. Depending on your size you should be able to control what you're eating with a little will power. The trick is to not think of yourself as dieting. Eat mostly vegetables and some fruit. Avoid large amounts of meat, particularly red meat.
- Dinner should be a very light meal. After all, you'll be sleeping in a short while and you don't burn very many calories while you are sleeping, do you?
- One easy way to cut calories is to take a full plate of what you want to eat (just one!) but eat only half. Save the rest for another meal - different day.
- Try to stay away from foods that contain high amounts of sodium. It's not only unhealthy - it tends to make you retain water. (water = weight)
- Exercise. Check with your health care professional before starting. Diet alone will cause a weight loss but you also need to tone muscles to benefit fully from a weight loss program.
- Eating out? Eat at a 'sit-down' restaurant - if you check the prices you'll find that it doesn't cost much more than a 'fast-food' diner. Usually just a tip.
- Want suggestions for meal planning? No problem.
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